Media releases
New build at St Mary’s School, Warwick due for completion in November

The historic change to St Mary’s School, Warwick, to the locate the school on the single site, known as the ‘upper campus’, is well underway.
“The planning of this amalgamation to one site has been a long time in the planning,” said Dr Pat Coughlan, Executive Director: Catholic Schools.
“This planning involved the school and local community, Warwick Council, members of the Toowoomba Catholic Schools Office, architects and other building specialists.”
“We knew that it would cause some level of inconvenience to the school and those that live in the local area, and in our discussions with the Warwick Council, we wanted to ensure that these were minimised.”
Added to the disruptions caused by the building work, COVID-19 has impacted on the school’s drop off and pick up zone arrangements.
“These too were developed in collaboration with the Warwick Council. We wanted to ensure that all possible concerns were discussed and a workable plan was agreed.”
This plan has seen an increase in the traffic flow along Acacia Avenue as was reported in the Daily Journal on Tuesday, 25 May 2021.
“We were disappointed to see that households along the Avenue are experiencing what was reported as ‘virtual closure of the street to residents twice a day for long stretches of time’.”
School traffic drop off and pick up times are between the hours of 8:15am-8:35am and 3:00pm-3:20pm.
“We are in regular communication with our parents to ensure they are following the procedures that are in place to make the time taken to drop off and pick up children as efficient as possible.”
With building works expected to be completed in November this year, the congestion will be alleviated with new car parking and pick up and drop off zones being established.
“We believe that this is a short term inconvenience and thank everyone for their patience to date,” said Dr Coughlan.
“We will continue to work with the Warwick Council if any changes to practice are required to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the community, students and staff of St Mary’s School, Warwick.”
Contact: Tracey Flint | Executive Officer | Toowoomba Catholic Schools Office | 07 4637 1420