St Stephen's were off and racing at their St Patrick's themed Race Day
The St Stephen's Race Day on Saturday 18 March was a huge success with over 100 people enjoying the perfect Autumn evening.
"The day was sponsored and supported by local businesses, parishioners, school staff and many friends of the Parish. We shared a lovely evening of dinner, entertainment and local races," said Michelle Arnold, teacher and member of the organising committee.
The theme of the day was St Patrick’s Day and Fashions on the Field included, Best Dressed Lady, Best Dressed Gentleman, Best Headwear, Best Dressed Couple and Best Dressed in Theme.
Past student of St Stephen’s School and now jockey, Brooke Stower rode in many of the races.
"I think some of us who had no idea about betting put our bets on the horses that Brooke rode," said Michelle, "It was lots of fun."
Father Thomas and the organising committee, Leah Moore, Michelle Arnold, Amanda Barron, Simone Porter, Sally Croft, Lisa Gillam and Sharon Denning extend their sincere thanks to all patrons who assisted in any way with the Parish Race Day.
Fr Thomas and the Race Day organising committee