Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School, Toowoomba

Our Lady of Lourdes is a Catholic Primary School catering for boys and girls from Prep to Year 6. Our school is a place where God, who is truth, is named and recognised. The curriculum is designed in such a way that pupils develop an openness to truth, a tolerance of different views and an ability to judge critically and become inner-directed.
The school, therefore does not refer to buildings, but rather people. Parents, students and teachers together make up a Faith Community that reflects our love of God. Our School motto “SERVIAM” applies not only to the children but indeed to all of us. “SERVIAM”, I will serve, is a challenge to a life of selfless devotion to others as well as being a challenge to the Christian service of God and their fellow man.
School Information
Principal Ms Bridget Trenerry
Year Levels Years P-6
Gender Co-educational
Boarders No
After School Care Yes
Contact the school
Address 2 Ascot Street, Toowoomba Qld 4350
Post PO Box 6356 (Toowoomba West), Qld 4350
Phone 07 4634 1922
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